The Love-Based Leader
Creating Desired Results by Overcoming Fear-Based Living

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Success ... You Are What You Think About

Great people become great in spite of their problems. Most people throw away their greatness because of their problems.

Greatness is your birthright, but it is up to you to create it by identifying and overcoming your negative Fear-Based Reactions. They are the only true barriers to your success.

Regardless of your circumstances, and how you feel about them, you really do have a choice ...

Live Fear-Based

– or –

Lead Love-Based

"The World has enough people Living Fear-Based.
We need Love-Based Leaders ... and we need them NOW."

Success is no longer limited to the concept of income or power. Indeed, we have all met miserable “successful” persons. These rich and powerful people usually lack at least one of the following:

1) Long and healthy lives.
2) Intimate and joyous life-partners.
3) The love & respect of their children, friends, and/or peers.
4) A basic spirituality ... a higher purpose than just themselves.

James Allen’s wonderful book, As A Man Thinketh is dedicated to the concept that “you are what you think about.” In other words, what you think about most of the time is what you will become.

What do you think about most of the time? Are you becoming what you think about?

Worry too much, and you will become a chronic worrier. Get angry too much and you will not just have anger, you become an angry person. Isolate too much, and you will be alone. Analyze too much and you will become anal.

When something goes wrong, do you become defensive or creative? Are you negative or positive? Do you come from fear or from love?

It is quite easy to see if you are Living Fear-Based. You are consistently justifying at least one of the four Fear-Based Reactions ... Fight, Flight, Freeze, and Facade. You attack (Fight), run away (Flight), isolate (Freeze), or lie to protect yourself (Facade) ... with increasing regularity.

Certainly, each of these reactions can be appropriate responses to negative situations, but if they are occurring with any frequency you run the risk of “becoming” these reactions instead of “having” them.

The good news is that the alternative to Living Fear-Based is to Lead Love-Based. There are only four Love-Based Behaviors … Empathy, Enthusiasm, Evaluation, and Ethics. You treat others with respect (Empathy), come from joy (Enthusiasm), keep your priorities straight (Evaluation), and tell the truth (Ethics) ... with increasing regularity.

The secret is to stop justifying Fear-Based Living, just because you are experiencing negative circumstances.

The reality is that things will go wrong. When they do, the only relevant thing is for you to notice your Fear-Based Reaction (Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Facade), and then change your behavior (Empathy, Enthusiasm, Evaluation, and Ethics) ... and you will find that you will automatically become a Love-Based Leader in the process. People will notice. People will respond.

The creation of true life success is an 'all or nothing' game. You are either doing all four Love-Based Behaviors with increasing regularity ... or you are doing one or more of the Fear-Based Reactions with increasing regularity.

Life never stands still. You will end up in the direction you are heading.

Bottom line, you are either living in fear BECAUSE OF how others are treating you, or you are leading with love IN SPITE OF how others are treating you. You will become what you think about.

Success is in your own mind. It always has been. It always will be.

Regardless of your circumstances, and how you feel about them, you really do have a choice ...

Live Fear-Based

– or –

Lead Love-Based

"The World has enough people Living Fear-Based.
We need Love-Based Leaders ... and we need them NOW."

My wish is for you live life as a Love-Based Leader. By striving to make a difference WITH your life, not just IN your life, you will create a great life that you are proud of ... both personally and professionally.

Now that is what I call success.

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