The Love-Based Leader
Creating Desired Results by Overcoming Fear-Based Living

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

-= Forgiveness =-

The Reason Most People Do Not Forgive:

“If I forgive you for what you did, it implies what you did was OK. Since what you did was not OK, I will not forgive you.”

Their Daughter Was Murdered

She was the kind of daughter parents dream of. She was talented, lovely, athletic, intelligent, joyful, and full of dreams for her life. Then one day, tragically, she was brutally murdered.

Her parents died more than a little bit that day. In an attempt to cope, they turned her bedroom into a shrine filled with photographs, trophies, newspaper articles, art projects, and other memorabilia. Unfortunately, this monument served only to intensify their grief.

Months passed, and the more they focused on their loss, the worse their grief became. But a few months later, the girl’s mother had a startling insight.

She asked her husband, “If we’d raised a son who could have done such a thing to another person, just imagine the pain we’d be going through.” Unbelievably, she and her husband went to the parents of their daughter’s killer to help them deal with their own grief and shame.

The deceased girl’s mother created a healing connection with people whom most of us would have resented, avoided, or even attacked. She even influenced her husband to participate.

Realizing they could not change their circumstance, and unwilling to forgive the man who killed their daughter, these people instead found peace by choosing to create a circumstance in which they could be loving and giving. What a powerful and beautiful legacy for their daughter.

You may not agree with their decision. But you have to agree that it took courage.

We may have no control over our circumstances. But we do have control over ourselves and how we handle those circumstances. By their nature, Love-Based Leaders do not follow the crowd. They find a course of action that works, regardless of what most people would do. Some people would call that the mark of greatness.

The Love-Based Leader

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